Priyanka Chopra’s First Ever Photo Shoot at the age of 17
Priyanka Chopra’s First Ever Photo Shoot at the age of 17

Hands down to Priyanka Chopra who makes us believe that accidental things can be good too, hands down it is Priyanka Chopra. She is her own god father, and we all know her story on how she made her foray into the glam world despite zero intentions of doing so.

And guess what? Recently, even PeeCee acknowledged this on her Facebook saying– “Let yourself be surprised.. Allow it..”, not in this context, though, but isn’t it pretty amazing?

How Piggy Chops’s mommy dearest sent her snaps for the Miss World pageant of 2000 and how she went on to win it. Want to see those pics of the Miss. World? Here it is, take a droll.

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