Hisar: Dera Sachcha Sauda chief Ram Rahim, who was in Sunaria jail in Rohtak for raping two Sadhvi, now he his facing health problems. Ram Rahim was brought to Rohtak PGI due to stomach ache. Ram Rahim was brought from jail to PGI under tight security around 7 am this morning. Let us tell you that Ram Rahimm has been brought to PGI for the second time.
Additional security arrangements have reportedly been made in the ward where Baba Ram Rahim has been placed and the Deputy Superintendent of Police has been entrusted with the responsibility of security. Now, as long as Ram Rahim is treated in PGI, there are going to be tight security arrangements and the police will also be able to see the police. Earlier on May 12, Ram Rahim was admitted to Rohtak PGI amid tight security over fears of corona. Before bringing Ram Rahim to the PGI, police force was deployed at every place from Sunaria jail to PGI.
Ram Rahim is said to be already suffering from sugar and BP and is also taking medicines continuously. When Ram Rahim complained of nervousness, the police administration decided to admit him to the PGI. Ram Rahim was undergoing a health check-up till late evening on May 12 and was treated by a special team of doctors.
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