Avoid doing these 5 things during Ramadan
Avoid doing these 5 things during Ramadan

This time from 25th April, Saturday Ramadan, the holy month of Muslim religious people has started. In this way, this is the ninth month of the Hijri calendar and the holy month of Ramadan is a celebration for the Islamic religion spread all over the world. Many things, many things are forbidden in this month. The virtue of every noble work done in the month of Ramadan is 70 times. It is said that there is an idiom in Arabic 70 times, which means uncountable, because of this every Muslim works nobly in this hoy month.

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Zakat (giving some part of your earnings as a charity) is paid in this month. On the other hand, if a person withdraws zakat of his goods in this month, he gets the reward of giving 70 rupees instead of 1 rupee in the way of Allah, that is why Muslims pay zakat in this month. Along with this, fasting is also kept in the Holy month of Ramadan. Indeed, Rosa gives us the inspiration to avoid lies, violence, evil, bribery and all other wrong deeds. And its mashka (practice) is done for a whole month so that human beings avoid all the evils throughout the year and the human should be kept in sympathy. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you which 5 things you break by doing Rosa.

Rosa is broken by these 5 works
1. Lying
2. Defame
3. Back Bitching
4. swear falsely
5. Greed

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