After delivering the massive successful ‘Simmba’ fans are waiting for next movies of the Ranveer Singh. Gully Boy and 83 are the much-awaiting movies of the actor. Ranveer has started preparation for 83 which is biopic of Kapil Dev. While Balwinder Singh Sandhu will be his cricket coach, Ranveer Singh will intensively train with Kapil Dev.
As per the reports, Ranveer Singh to learn Kapil Dev’s mannerisms both on and off the field for his Kabir Khan film titled 83. Ranveer started his training for 83 in which he plays the legendary all-rounder Kapil Dev who lifted the cricket World Cup in 1983. As per the source, Bajirao Mastani ’s cricket coaching will be with Balwinder Singh Sandhu - also a key member of the 1983 World Cup winning squad. While Sandhu and Ranveer will work rigorously to perfect the game, Ranveer will also train with the legend Kapil Dev and the actor will learn all his mannerisms on and off the field
Talking about Kapil Dev, he was a brilliant all-rounder and first Indian captain to win the World Cup and one of the most successful cricketers in the history of the game. 83 is slated to releases on April 10, 2020.