Bollywood's lovely couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are very popular among the fans. The two have always been the talk of the town about their style, fashion and airport spotting. Nowadays Ranveer Singh is enjoying the success of his movie 83. In a recent interview, Ranveer Singh spoke about his meeting with Deepika Padukone.
Ranveer Singh always secure: In a conversation with the movie Companion, Ranveer Singh has said, "I feel quite secure in my skin. I'm happiest when my wife achieves something. I like it when people say you give other actors an opportunity to shine. That's how I am. I've often been a secure person. No one would have proud of me when my wife achieves something." Ranveer has spoken about his first meeting with Deepika that Deepika was a big star when we met, earning more than me. Even today I am proud of her achievement.
Ranveer Singh's Movie 83 has received a very good response. Meanwhile, Ranveer not only entrusts himself with the success of the movie but also the rest of the characters played in the movie. Kabir Khan's movie has made a special moment for everyone. Kabir's direction is also receiving a lot of praise. Ranveer says that the filmmaking process is completed with the contribution of many people. It is wrong to give only one person the responsibility of the success of the film. I know many people who are in the industry and they start entrusting themselves with the responsibility of making the movie successful.
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