The most famous Bhojpuri actor Ravi Kishan is now playing a dark role in the Tollywood opposite to the megastar Chiranjeevi. The actor had made his T- town debut with the movie ‘Race Gurram’. He will be featuring in the upcoming film ‘Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy’ and the movie is a key role in the period saga.
According to the sources, close to the unit, Ravi Kishan is playing an important role of a village head. He opposes to join hands with freedom fighter Chiranjeevi against British administration. Some key scenes shot in the movie revolve around them and a host of villagers were wrapped up recently. The sources include that even though Ravi Kishan has done many kinds of roles in Hindi movies, he mostly showcased his dark side only in Telugu movies.
Meanwhile, the 48-year-old has showcased his evil side in many Bollywood films like ‘Kick 2’, ‘Sketch’ and ‘MLA’ and again he will be featured in the film 'Saakshyam' in which he will be playing a menacing role. According to the reports, it is probable that he is being typecasted by Telugu Filmmakers. Nevertheless, Ravi has got the opportunity to share screen space with biggies like Allu Arjun, Ravi Teja and Kalyan Ram and now biggest of them all, Chiranjeevi.