Reasons You Get Regular Headaches, Common causes of daily headaches
Reasons You Get Regular Headaches, Common causes of daily headaches

Headaches can cause many. Sometimes people are constantly having a headache which is why you don't understand. Headaches mean that one or more parts of the head, as well as the back part of the neck, are light-ranging to a feeling of sharp pain. There are many causes of a headache but there is no headache problem due to a serious illness. Today we're going to tell you what could be the reason for this.

Headaches from stress
Having such headaches hurts the whole part of the head or on both sides. Physical activity of any kind during this time has no effect on headaches. This is caused by muscle contracting. 90 percent of headaches are caused by this and are cured by themselves. These headaches are caused by prolonged stress.

This pain occurs in a part of the head with pressure as well as behind the eyes. Pain may increase if you do normal physical activity during this period. This problem is mostly genetic. Migraine sometimes accelerates and sometimes intensifies. It can also cause an allergy to a food item.

The hangover is a different kind of headache. It happens to people who consume intoxicating substances. He gets drunk etc. and starts having headaches when he does not get intoxicated.

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