Remove blackness of lips with these simple measures
Remove blackness of lips with these simple measures

Who does not like pink lips, but today every third woman is facing the problem of dark lips. Like changing lifestyle, improper eating, applying lipstick every day, smoking and other reasons, lips start to darken, which can spoil the face. So let's know some tips that will help you get pink and soft lips again.

Not only the teeth, but you can also clean the darkened lips with a toothbrush. For this, you clean your lips lightly with a toothbrush.

To take care of your lips, mix glycerin and lemon and keep them in a bottle. Apply it on your lips every day. In a few days, the blackness of your lips will be removed by this means.

Sugar and lemon
If you want, you can prepare the scrub for your lips with sugar and lemon. By applying this scrub every day, it will gradually change the tone of your lips.

sugar beets
You can also use beetroot juice for pink and soft lips. This will gradually remove the blackness of the lips.

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