
PC THOMAS: A woman had a pet dog and one day it fell sick. To save the dog, every day she attempted to give a tablespoon of medicine down its throat, yet the dog would always resist and pull away. One day when she took the medicine to feed the dog, the bottle slipped out her hands and the medicine spilled all over the floor. To her surprise, the dog went over to the puddle and began lapping it up! In fact, here, the dog had not been resisting to take the medicine. It was resisting the strategy that its owner had used– pushing it down its throat.

It is a similar situation when we consider the pedagogy we use to teach our children both in schools and at home.  For parents, there is no bigger pride than knowing that their children are the best in their class, far above their peers in their studies and other extra-curricular activities and then later deciding to pursue further studies and securing prestigious careers. However, forcing children to study can cause counterproductive results, If unwanted burdens are push into children’s throat in the name of educational therapy, many of the students will not be able to absorb them and they will resist and vomit it, especially now, as  they are  still continuing their study  in the pandemic situation. It is very common for parents to feel the need to put pressure on their children to be smarter. Besides studies the parents may force their children to involve in extracurricular activities such as sports, singing, sports, drawing etc..

Parents need not imitate a teacher; let the teachers do their job. Although you need to make certain that your children are finishing their homework without any mistakes, you should not do the homework for them. It’s true that studying is necessary, but it is not the only thing children should place spotlight on. If you only exert energy compelling your child to study, both you and your child will be disturbed. Hence, place proper attention on devoting time to other activities that are elementary to your children’s development, such as recreation, playing sports or the like. Make sure they have enough time to spend with good friends: Thus, they will learn to have good relationships with others

Many times, parents believe their children’s lack of interest in studying has to do with psychological disorders. That’s not necessarily the case, because it’s very likely that their children are simply de-motivated or disinterested.

Let us realize that education came to bring life and light to people who have no vision or right vision of life. But so often, as we have seen in the above story, we use the wrong methods to force our expectations down students’ throats instead of presenting it in such a way that they will be willing to receive it joyfully.  We see that sometimes parents make wrong decisions for their children in their eagerness to provide the best opportunities for their children by giving unwanted compulsion to study their lessons. What children should realize is that they are the ones responsible for their own learning, homework as well.

Nowadays, an increasing sense of competition has attacked the mind of children, parents and many in our society. Some parents think that the marks obtained are the barometer to judge the prospects of their children’s life and future. At the same time, children’s natural ability, skills and innovation usually take a backseat.  

Once the results are out, parents generally start comparing their children’s marks with those of others. They say to their child –“Look at Shamaji ka-beta, or Neha-didi ki ladki”.  You have scored only 88-percent marks, while the others have scored 98-percent. They have not given tuition for their child, their life situation is also not good.  At the same, we give you full luxuries and amenities and yet
”If you are a parent like this, you are fully spoiling the life of your child!

It has been seen that securing less marks in exams push students towards depression leading to even suicide in this cyber age. If your child gets high marks, that is great! But if the child doesn’t, don’t take away their self-confidence and dignity from them. Appreciate the effort, even if your child secures 2 marks more than the previous test. Tell them that they have ample room for improvement. This builds confidence in them.

Parents should also keep in mind that every child is unique and special.. Each one has its own set of special talents and strengths. As their children are the most important part of their life, parents must focus all their attention on them and do whatever they can to make sure that they do well as per their merit and potentials. Let the children opt for their own careers.

Cut-throat competition usually leads to depression among students and as a result, they fail to justify the expectations of their parents. The parents should take out more time to understand and encourage their kids instead of comparing them with peers and classmates. Schools can assure students that examination marks are not the only benchmark to decide their future. 

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