How To Trim Fingernails The RIGHT Way
How To Trim Fingernails The RIGHT Way

Healthy and beautiful nails are the lifeblood of your hands. You also need to take care of them. Nails must be trimmed or cut once every 15 days. This will keep them in shape and they will be safe. But we also need to be careful while cutting the nails. Know how to cut nails and keep your nails healthy.

The nail was cut either on the skin or the nail was cut in the wrong shape. Nails are very hard, so they are a little difficult to cut. But if wet nails are cut, it makes it easier for you. Especially since the toe's claws are more strict, they need to be cut and taken care of.

Also, soak the nails in lukewarm water for a while before cutting them to make them soft, and cut easily. If your nails are not brittle, cut it like this. And if your hair is delicate, you can cut them in dry. You'll be able to handle them easily.

If you cut the nails too much and it damages your skin, use turmeric powder immediately. Add a drop of coconut oil to the light powder and put it on nails and skin like a paste. Get comfortable.

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