Hindi Love Quotes Status Heart Touching ...
Hindi Love Quotes Status Heart Touching ...

1- Why does me be intoxicated, your presence, where I have not fallen in love with you?

2- When moments come, you have to forget your passions,

No one knows how far the breath is so far.

3- I 'make a mistake' even if I

'Take it from the chest',

Somebody's want to be my every

Take the 'naaaa'.

4- Remembering is not everything in love,

Forgetting is also a big deal.

5- Living nearby but not with you... Some people burn, and They just don't eat it.

6- See and turn it over to you,..... Hate shows that you were a weeof.

7- I'm reading Ishq's book Ai Guys...... A lawyer who has become a ghar, is not a bad lawyer.

8- Remember Ours

Overturn the book of the past,

just on a page

With a smile, we will meet you.

9- The fragrance of your memory is wrapped in my support,

It feels very good to keep thinking about you.

10- Let them play until they are filled, they have four days of love, so how many days will the hobby be?

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