On Tuesday, RSS(Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) introduced that from March 2015-2016 it had registered its highest growth. Before it was formed in 1925.Alok Kumar(Prant Sah Sanghchlak )said, the year saw 5,527 new shakhas come up at 3,644 new locations across the country, in the press conference.
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh takes stock of its Shakhas at the ABPS(Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha) held on every March.
Kumar added,“The RSS has grown steadily since 2012. This was the year the RSS recorded the highest growth since 1925. We are pleased,”
On the stock of 10,143 shakhas, 5,161 are new places,.
Alok said, “In 2015-16, shakhas increased from 1,780 to 1,898 in Delhi. This is the highest in any year” He also used the event to spell out the RSS’s stand on the reservation policy .
Meanwhile Kumar said, “The RSS has always considered reservations necessary for SC, ST and OBCs. We have not given any suggestion for its change or dilution. This reservation must continue as it is.”
On the JNU controversy “This is a shameful and condemnable statement,” Kumar said