Sacred relationship tarnished! Mother killed pregnant daughter, shocking reason revealed
Sacred relationship tarnished! Mother killed pregnant daughter, shocking reason revealed

Chandrapur: A shocking incident of murder has come to light from Chandrapur in Maharashtra. Where the mother killed her pregnant daughter by giving a contract. The criminals tried to make the murder look like suicide. But the criminals could not throw dust in the eyes of the police. All the criminals involved in the murder have been arrested by the police and sent to jail. The deceased woman was from Telangana but the body was found in Chandrapur. 

At the same time, the police said that the mother got her pregnant daughter murdered because she was living separately from her husband. In order not to be defamed in society, she gave a contract to two of her relatives and pushed her daughter to the well. So that it seems that she has jumped into the well and committed suicide. On suspicion, when the police interrogated them strictly, the conspiracy to kill her was revealed.

The same police suspected why a woman living in Telangana would come to Maharashtra to commit suicide. On the basis of this suspicion, the police carried out the investigation. The relatives of the deceased woman were interrogated strictly and it was found that her relatives lived in a village near the spot of the couple. Then the police arrested them and interrogated them and the whole matter came out to the fore. According to the information received from the same police, the woman was brutally attacked on the head with a stone and she fell down. Again threw her down to the well. After executing the murder, all of them fled from the spot. The police involved in this murder have arrested all the criminals and sent them to jail.

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