Play 'Colorful Holi' in midst of corona phase keeping these things in mind
Play 'Colorful Holi' in midst of corona phase keeping these things in mind

There is not much enthusiasm among the people about Holi this year because once again the corona is growing. Holi is going to be celebrated on 28th and 29th March. We all know that Holi is a festival of colors, happiness, and sharing the love. In fact, this is the day when everyone puts color on each other. Plays a lot of Holi and goes to each other's house in the evening. This time, the growing outbreak of corona has once again put everyone in concern. This time the question is being raised in everyone's mind as to how safe will it be to play Holi? some tips to play safe Holi amidst the havoc of the corona.

Safe Holi Play Tips-
-Keep in mind that do not join a group of people to play Holi.
-Keep in mind that play Holi in small groups.
-Keep in mind that during Holi, don't hug and don't shake hands.
-Keep in mind that you are fully clean while playing Holi.
-Keep a distance from sick people.
-Use hand sanitizer with 60%-95% alcohol content and keep cleaning hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
-Don't touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hand.
-If your hands seems dirty, wash them immediately.
-After going to the bathroom, clean the hands before eating and after coughing, sneezing, or shedding the nose.

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