Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh's daughter, Sara Ali Khan is all set to make her debut into the Industry. She is working in Abhishek Kapoor's Kedarnath. This movie is based on the true events of the Uttrakhand floods. Yanking the character of a tourist visiting India. The movie will be released during December 2018. The movie got the post scheduled because of some disparities between the director and producers.
She is also to be seen in Rohit Shetty's simbaa, alongside Ranveer Singh. Ranveer and Rohit are already carrying renowned positions in the industry. The film may do really well.
Saif Ali expressed his concern on getting a good film for Sara, he says he wanted to know all the details of the films she is signing because he doesn’t want her to struggle, he always has her back.
Sara has done theatre in new york too. She is going to do really well, I hope and now that she signed a film with Karan, he doesn’t have to worry. He can relax a bit now. She is his favorite, the kind of person that she has become is what makes her so likable by her dad.
we are all eager to watch the young beautiful actress making her debut in the industry, we're expecting her to slay it just like her daddy.