The new song 'Chand Utral Ba Angnaiya' has been released for the Bhojpuri film 'Sakhi Ke Biyah'. The song is featuring the stunning Bhojpuri actress Rani Chatterjee. The actress is one of the best starlets in Bhojpuri cinema and she has a huge fan following. The newly released song has been sung by Om Jha who is also a composer of the same. The lyrics of the song have been written by Satyaprakash Mishra.
Along with Rani Chatterjee, Sunil Sagar, Brijesh Tripathi, Gopal Rai, and Maya Yadav are also starring in the movie. According to the reports, the trailer for the movie will be coming out this week on May 4th. When it comes to the location of the film, then the film has been shot in a village named Nagthane which is located near the Goan Highway.
The film has been directed by Nandkishore Mahato and produced by Pawan Kumar Mahato under Royal Films Entertainment. Rani Chatterjee is also one of the largest paid Bhojpuri actresses. Rani was born and raised in Mumbai and made her debut with Sasura Bada Paisawala. Her first debut film also features Manoj Tiwari. If reports to be believed than Rani Chatterjee gets paid almost 8 lakhs per film.