Bollywood actors Salman Khan and Sonakshi Sinha are busy shooting the upcoming film "Dabang 3". Several pictures have surfaced from the shooting of the film. You may recall that there was a news in the past that Salman Khan had banned the mobiles on the set of 'Dabang 3'. That's because Salman Khan doesn't want any scenes leaked from his film. But despite this, some photos and videos of the film have been leaked. Let's show these photos.
No one on the set is allowed to carry the phone in. One of the reasons for banning the phone was Sai Manjrekar, as she is debuting the film and doesn't want to leak her look to Salman. In addition, some pictures have been leaked recently in which Salman and Sonakshi are seen. Photos are being reported during the shooting in Jaipur. Sonakshi and Salman are seen shooting the film in the rain. Here are all the pictures you can see.
The film 'Dabang 3' is the third part of Salman's film 'Dabang'. Sonakshi Sinha will also appear in the lead role in the film. Actor Mahesh Manjrekar's son Sai Manjrekar is also going to do the film. When the film's story plays in flashback, Sai will be seen as the character of young Salman Khan's Love Interest. Apart from Salman, Sonakshi and Kannada actor Sudip will also appear in the film. Sudip will appear in the film. Prabhudeva directs 'Dabang 3'. Salman has lost 8 kg for the film. The film will be released on December 20, 2019.
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