Samsung's S22 series named in the Guinness Book of World Records, Details Inside"
Samsung's S22 series named in the Guinness Book of World Records, Details Inside

Korean smartphone manufacturer Samsung introduced a new smartphone series last month, including the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. You will be shocked to know that the Samsung Galaxy S22 ultra has made history because the name of this smartphone has made a world record in its name. Let's know about this...

Samsung's smartphone created history: Samsung's S22 series smartphone, Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra has made history because the name of this smartphone has been included in the Guinness Book of World Records. If you are wondering why this has been done then let us tell you that is associated with the unboxing of smartphones.

Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra sets world record: In fact, the company announced to unbox this smartphone on a large scale on March 5. In 17 cities, a total of 1,820 customers have unboxed the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. Due to this large-scale unboxing, #EpicUnboxing, this smartphone has been included in the Guinness Book of World Records. Let me tell you that the people who did the unboxing included those who pre-booked this smartphone.

Swapnil Dangarikar, an official adjudicator of Guinness World Records, has this to say that he is very happy to inform that Samsung India Electronics Pvt. Ltd. has set a new world record for 'Most People Unboxing – Multiple Venues' with 1,820 participants. This event, held at 19 venues, has never been held before, and the company also gave special limited edition boxes and Galaxy Watch 4 and Galaxy Buds 2 along with Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. Along with all this, the users were also given a special Thank You Note in the seed paper.

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