In the upcoming movie of Ranbir Kapoor, he will be stepping into the shoes of Sanjay Dutt. The movie is directed by the close friend of Ranbir, Rajkumar Hirani. The movie portraits the ups and downs of Sanjay Dutt's life. The star has led a very colourful public life and 'Sanju' will document the important aspects of the star's life. And today the teaser of the movie has been launched.
Along with Ranbir, the movie also features Paresh Rawal, Manisha Koirala, Dia Mirza, Sonam Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Vicky Kaushal and Karishma Tanna. Leading to the teaser launch of the movie takes place today, we got Sanju's first poster released.
In the poster, you can see Ranbir enhancing various shades of Sanjay Dutt's character. Whether it be his youthful Rocky days or even as his iconic character Munnabhai.
Here let's have a look at the released poster:
We know that you have got mind-blown by the Ranbir's looks.
Meanwhile when a reporter asked Hirani that why he chose Ranbir then he said that the first reason for choosing Ranbir is because he is a fantastic actor. And the second reason is that he is at the perfect age. He said that he was in search of an actor who could be 21 because that is where the film begins. He wanted a person who would fit the transactional looks of the Sanjay Dutt.
The movie 'Sanju' is slated to release on June 29, 2018.
Watch out the teaser here: