New Delhi: After the alleged involvement of several self-styled godman such as Aasaram and Ram Rahim, an another shocking incident exposed in which a Delhi based sect leader was on Monday booked for raping a follower.
He has been recognized as ‘Daati Maharaj’ who is a head of Shani Dham in Fatehpur Beri, Delhi. This unholy and divisive person has in the past also been accused of sexual assault. According to reports, a woman follower has alleged that she was sexually assaulted inside Shani Dham two years ago. Because of fear and social shame, she didn't lodge a complaint earlier as she was intimidated by the self-styled godman who has huge supporters in Delhi and NCR. His sermons on Thursdays and Saturdays draw attention of thousands towards Shani Dham.
A woman disciple made allegations that 2 years ago she was sexually assaulted by self-style godman Daati Maharaj inside Shani Dham.
“Self-styled godman ‘Daati Maharaj’ booked for raping disciple “, See Mirror Now's other Tweets
Daati Maharaj has booked for rape .The accused also regularly hosts TV shows on national news channels.
“Rape case registered against self-styled godman Daati Maharaj in Delhi,Case is registered under sections of IPC 376, 377, 354 & 34”, ANI tweeted.