Selfie with rape survivor creating controversy in Rajasthan
Selfie with rape survivor creating controversy in Rajasthan

Jaipur: Selfie with a rape survivor creating a headlines these days, the member of Rajasthan State Commission clicked a selfie with an allegedly rape victim seen controversy stimulating the chairperson of the commission to seek a written explanation.

Stimulatingly, the Chairperson Suman Sharma is also in the selfie along with the member Somya Gurjar. The selfie was clicked by Ms Gurjar Wednesday when she along with chairperson had gone to meet the alleged rape survivor in Mahila police station (Jaipur North).

However, Ms Sharma told media that,"I was talking to the victim when the member of the commission clicked these selfies. I am not aware when she (Somya Gurjar) clicked. I do not favour such act and has sought a written explanation from her. She has been asked to submit the explanation by tomorrow,"

Interestingly, two pictures, in which Ms Gurjar is seen clicking the selfie, has gone viral.


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