Girls who have sensitive skin are very much prone to all type of skin problems. Wrong products generally cause skin irritation and skin redness. Shaving body parts are often the toughest in your beauty regime.
Here’s how to recognize the most often described skin irritation symptoms, typically harm to the skin, which women experience as a result of shaving:
1. Redness on the skin: change of colour on the skin toward redness that indicates increased blood flow to that area; will include warm temperature feeling of the skin
2. Raised bumps: small raised area above the level of the skin
3. Underarm/bikini: likely an ingrown hair (see ingrown hairs below)
4. Legs: considered folliculitis, an inflammation of the hair follicle
5. Razor burn: inflammation of the skin following shaving (includes redness, warmth & sensitivity)
6. Itchy skin: skin itches when it’s irritated or dry
7. Flakiness or peeling of the skin: represents dry, dead skin that’s detaching from the skin below
8. Stinging and burning: another manifestation of inflammation and irritation
9. Ingrown hairs: hairs that grow into or under the skin that are associated with a red, painful bump; typically found in underarm and bikini areas
10. Cut: a break in the skin
11. Nick: a small cut