Such people should not wear black thread, it may bring bad effects
Such people should not wear black thread, it may bring bad effects

Black thread is often associated with sorcery. This is not the absolute truth. Black thread is also related to Vedic astrology and it also has special significance in astrology. When someone is having bad eyesight or bad powers, they are often advised to tie the black thread. But the question is whether everyone should wear black thread. There are some rules about the black thread in astrology.

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According to Vedic astrology, if the people of Aries and Scorpio wear black thread then there are chances of problems in their life. In addition, the person feels uncomfortable in making decisions. With black thread, there is a feeling of restlessness in the minds of these zodiac signs. It can also cause failure in their lives. That is why the people of these zodiac signs should never wear black thread. The black thread not only protects from evil eyes, but it also strengthens the planet Saturn. According to astrology, there are 2 such zodiac signs for which the black thread is not considered favorable.

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One of these two zodiac signs is Aries and the other is Scorpio. Owner of these two zodiacs is Mars. Mars does not like black color. Mars loves red color. Its color is also red. It is a factor of military, land, war and military power. On the other hand, black thread is very auspicious for the people of Libra, Capricorn, and Aquarius. Libra is the higher sign of Saturn. Saturn is the owner of Capricorn and Aquarius. The people of these zodiacs get employment by wearing a black thread. Wearing black thread removes poverty from their lives.

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