Once again, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut has targeted his former ally BJP and Modi government. Raut wrote on his Twitter, 'Don't ever scare anyone so much that the fear is gone.' Earlier on Thursday, while targeting the BJP, he said that pride takes people on the path of the apocalypse. This was stated by Raut in the backdrop of the BJP's stern attitude towards the protests against the Citizenship Amended Act (CAA) and the National Register of Citizens (NRC).
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In his statement, Sanjay Raut tweeted on Thursday, 'Kashmiris are often drowned in storms and pride'. The BJP and Shiv Sena had split its paths on the issue of partnership for the post of Chief Minister in the state. Since then, the leadership of Maharashtra BJP has been continuously targeting Shiv Sena and Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray.
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On Monday, Raut attacked the BJP quoting the words of American leader Martin Luther King. He wrote on Twitter that the country where politics is pacified by religious issues is great, but where politics produces religious issues itself, then understand that people are running the country wrong. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday told the people who damaged public property during demonstrations against the Citizenship Amendment Act in Uttar Pradesh that they should question themselves whether what they did was right.
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