Mumbai: Tension swells between Shiv Sena and NCP, an ally in the Maharashtra government. In fact, NCP MP and actor Dr. Amol Kolhe from Shirur Lok Sabha constituency in the state has now created another big controversy. In fact, he had recently said, "Uddhav Thackeray is the Chief Minister with the blessings of Sharad Pawar." Now, on his statement, Shiv Sena advised mva allies not to spread ill will and said, "Don't try to poison the two parties and don't sour the power of grapes."
Amol Kolhe, who commented on shiv sena, was a Shiv Sena colleague before coming to NCP. Replying to NCP MP Kolhe's statement recently, Shiv Sena spokesperson Kishore Kanhere said, "The Shirur MP should not forget that Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Dada Pawar and Dastur Sharad Pawar themselves are constantly consulting Uddhav Saheb to run the state."
He also said, "The time has come for Amol's memory test. An actor who is used to reading written dialogues may have forgotten that he is in politics with the blessings of the same Uddhav Thackeray. Don't tell the grapes of power that you have received sour." Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray also met Sharad Pawar last Thursday. Uddhav Thackeray had earlier met PM Modi in June.
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