These deer look like a mouse, included in the 'Red List' of threatened species
These deer look like a mouse, included in the 'Red List' of threatened species

Puri has many unique lives in the world, but the silver-backed Chevrotine is a small deer-like species, also known as a mouse deer. But like the dinosaur, this species is on the verge of extinction. This rat-like deer from the front has a silver-like color on its back, so it is called the silver-backed Chevrotine or mouse deer. According to a study published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution, this animal was seen about 30 years ago. Now it has been seen again in the northwestern forest of Vietnam.

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For your information, please tell that in the list of threatened species created by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature, this animal has been placed in the 'Red List'. The first information about the silver-backed Chevrotine was in 1910. The deer was among several animals found near Nha Trang, about 450 km from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

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Since 1990, due to no confirmation about this species, experts had assumed that this animal has become extinct due to poaching. There are two reasons for the extinction of any wild animal, first, due to the greed of the land, the forests were cut indiscriminately, due to which their habitat changed. Due to the second poaching, some species are no longer on earth.

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