Ranveer Singh and Sara Ali Khanstarrer Simmba is unstoppable at the box office. The masala actioner collection Rs 39.83 crore in its second weekend and currently stands with the grand total of Rs 190.64 crore. With this massive amount, Rohit Shetty directorial has surpassed the business of Akshay Kumar and Rajinikanth starrer 2.O (Hindi)
Simmba got the rave reviwes from the audience which helped the film in minting a huge amount. Simmba has surpassed 2.O whose hindi version has collected Rs. 190 crore. Now, it emerged as the third highest grosser of 2018 after Sanju and Padmaavat.
Besides Ranveer, Simmba also features Sara Ali Khan, Sonu Sood, Siddharth Jadhav and Vaidehi Parshurami in pivotal roles. Ranveer's performance as the corrupt police officer Simmba, who has a moral turnaround to become the saviour of justice, has been liked by the audiences. Rohit Shetty's Simmba, an action-comedy-drama, revolves around a corrupt police officer who eventually stands up against rapist.
The Since Vicky Kaushal and Yami Gautam's Uri and Akshaye Khanna and Anupam Kher's The Accidental Prime Minister is hitting the screens this Friday, Simmba will lose a great number of screens at the box office.