Simple ways to remove a
Simple ways to remove a "Dental Infection" at Home

Dental infection is usually a dental abscess and a collection of infected material known as pus which is formed due to bacterial infections.

Symptoms Of Infection Tooth

• You sometimes get a bitter taste in the mouth
• Shooting or stabbing pain in the temples
• Odor in breath
• Fever
• There is discomfort, even if the pain is mild
• Teeth becomes sensitive to hot or cold items consumed
• Gum swelling
• Jaw swelling

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Tooth Infection

There are many home remedies that you can try out to get some relief.

1. Avoid Hot/Cold Items

Avoid eating things that could aggravate the tooth infection. Try and consume foods that are of room temperature. Avoid beverages that are too hot or too cold.

2. Ice

Use an ice pack if there is an inflammation in the jaw. The cold helps to relieve the pain and give you some kind of relief.

3. Gargle With Salt Water

Gargling with salt warm water can help relieve the inflammation. It acts as an antiseptic, if you keep gargling your mouth with salt water it can control the infection.

4. Peroxide Solution

Peroxide is known to be a great antiseptic to treat tooth infections. Use peroxide to rinse the mouth frequently and control the infection.

5. Alcohol

Alcohol has antiseptic properties. Take a shot of whiskey or another alcoholic beverage and gargle your mouth with it. It helps t control the infection and reduce the inflammation

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