'Humanity is still alive'; See, how people helped stray animals in snowstorm
'Humanity is still alive'; See, how people helped stray animals in snowstorm

Istanbul is hit by a huge snowstorm recently, nearly 65 cm of snow is measured in the city overnight and hundreds of flights need to get cancelled. Weather had a hard impact on localities and also to the stray animals.

This freezing temperature can kill anyone, despite of the treacherous weather animal lovers showed their humanity by helping stray animals. Providing them shelter to stay safe from the freezing temperature.

They provided towels to animals that they can keep themselves warm and placed cartons to sleep. 

Some of them given floor space to stray animals.

While,many others provided heater to animals. 

The man named 'Selcuk Bayal' took stray animals into his cafe.

These creatures are gift of lord, we should take care of them.

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