So this is why World Homeopathy Day is celebrated
So this is why World Homeopathy Day is celebrated

World Homeopathy Day is celebrated globally on April 10 every year to mark the birth anniversary of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the father of homoeopathy. Samuel Hahnemann was born in Germany, being a physician as well as a great researcher, linguist and outstanding scientist.   This year, the 266th birth anniversary of Hahnemann is being celebrated. In India, World Homoeopathy Day is celebrated under the auspices of the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.

What is homeopathy?: A homoeopathy is an alternative form of medicine itself, which is built on top of the medicine principle of "even: Samamshamyati" or "symmetry". According to the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, it is a method of treating a patient by drugs, in which a healthy person is also treated by adapting a natural disease and producing similar symptoms so that a person with the disease can be treated. In this method, the treatment of patients is done not only through the holistic approach but also by understanding the individualistic characteristics of the patient. Homoeopathic medicines are cost-effective, and interesting, they have not yet had any adverse side effects and are also being easily consumed.  

Why is World Homeopathy Day celebrated?:- World Homoeopathy Day is celebrated not only to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr Hahnemann but also to understand the challenges and future strategies of taking homoeopathy forward. Its purpose is to create awareness about this different system of medicine and to easily improve the success rate of access to all whose access. World Homeopathy Day strives to bring the community together to establish, strengthen and modernize the system of medicine so that more and more people can benefit from it.

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