5 Religious tricks to save you from troubles in May
5 Religious tricks to save you from troubles in May

In the year, each and every month has its different significance according to the Indian culture and beliefs. There is a strong belief in between people that month has different effects on human life. And today we will talk to you about the month of May.

May month has an intense effect on human life. If you do not take care of certain things this month, then you can get involved in many types of problems, which you will not even think about. So now let's see the things you have to keep in mind during this month.

1- In this month, usage of oil on the body, eating food in the bronze vessel, eating food twice, eating at night etc. are considered taboo.

2- Sealing fans, melon and other fruits, grains etc. should be distributed to the needy people during this month.

3- The significance of the water supply in Vaishak month is very important. During this month one should be established water pots for the thirsty peoples.

4- The person who is fasting should have a meal once in a day.

5- In this month, one should listen to the story of Vaishakh Vrat Mahatmya and chant the name of ऊं नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय.

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