The whole Bollywood industry is buzzing with the wedding rings of Sonam Kapoor getting married to her long-time boyfriend Anand Ahuja. This is currently is the hottest topic in the industry and the couple is giving them all obvious reasons to talk on. The actor has never denied her engagement with Anand, however, she also never agreed to the rumours instead she remained tight-lipped about the relationship.
Earlier there were rumours that the actress will get hitched soon but it is really happening which is unbelievable. Last evening, the actresses mother Sunita Kapoor was observed instructing her staff regarding the decorations of the house. There is no doubt that there are many expectations from the wedding.
As per the reports published in the leading daily, the couple will be sending the e-invites to their near and dear ones. This step is taken by the family in order to avoid wastage of paper. These customised invites will have the name of the personalised guests embossed on it. Not just this, but the card will be spread along with two pages one green and other in beige colour. AS per the reports, apart from these outstanding invites, there will be stickers which will send out to ensure no one gatecrashers. Guests will have to flash the invites on their smartphones for entry.
Furthermore, the wedding celebrations will start on May 7. The mehndi and haldi ceremony scheduled to take place at Sonam's BKC residence. Meanwhile, Sonam is all set to start promotions for her upcoming movie Veere Di Wedding, which releases on June 1, 2018.