Sony Xperia Fans, Sony to ‘defocus’ on India
Sony Xperia Fans, Sony to ‘defocus’ on India

NEW DELHI: In a recent investors meet, Sony Mobiles announced that it would be defocusing from certain markets including India, USA, China and Brazil.

The Japanese tech giant's announcement comes as the CAGR smartphone growth in Indian, Chinese, Brazilian and Indonesian markets is expected to be just 0.3% in financial year 15-17.

This is quite lesser than the company's estimates of over 8.1% growth from last year. The Z3 Compact came out back in 2014 now, which should make it a little old-hat by now.

However, as a top-end handset with great specifications and a compact frame it's stood the test of time well. While other phones have got bigger the Z3 Compact retains that iPhone-like size.

Making it an Android take on the far-more-recent Apple,iphone,SE which also packed a top-end spec into a smaller handset.

That Sony sees no real future for its mobile business at any kind of large scale in America isn't surprising.

The company's Android handsets have continually failed to attract US carrier partners, essentially a death kiss for an OEM actually trying to profitably sell expensive phones here.

While the Xperia X, XA, and X Performance are available unlocked in the US via a number of retailers, it seems wholly unlikely those devices will provide anything above a modest bump in Sony's US sales.

But given that Sony released them at all in the face of this planned spin-down, it probably doesn't mean there won't ever be another Xperia device released in America.

More likely: Sony will sell only the phones it believes could generate a profit here, and likely will downsize its support and business units for the US accordingly.

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