Sony Xperia XA Ultra soon to launch in India
Sony Xperia XA Ultra soon to launch in India

Sony Xperia just aired the teaser of its new mobile phone Sony Xperia XA Ultra on its official page. In May the company announced about the phone on its site. It is expected that till 25 July the company will declare all the details about the phone.

The Smartphone has various features like Android 6.0 marshmallow and also support the dual sim. It is expected that it has best selfie camera. It is 6-inch full HD mobile and also has 16 GB internal storage. The other features include 2 day battery life. It will be available in four colors White, Black, Graphite and Gold color.

The mobile will be loved by all the technology freaks and all other details like price everything will be declared by the company on Monday.




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