Soothing exercise for "Menopause Blues"
Soothing exercise for

Menopause brings with it fluctuating hormones that mess with your sleep, pack on pounds of belly fat, and make you irritable and less interested in sex. But yoga can help soothe the menopause blues

The bridge

Lie on back with knees bent and feet on mat, hip-width apart. Extend arms along hips, palms down. Raise hips off floor. Next, raise arms up, then overhead. Lower hips and arms to start position. Do 3 times.

Corpse pose

Lie with legs extended and arms by sides, palms up. Take a few deep breaths, then relax in this position for 2 minutes, breathing naturally. Roll onto side and push up to a seated position.

Cobbler Pose with Chest Fly

Sitting on mat, bring soles of feet together, knees wide. Raise arms and bend elbows at right angles in front of chest, forearms together. Keeping bend in elbows, open arms to sides. Hold for 10 seconds, then return to start position. Do 5 times.

Standing Forward Bend

 Stand at front of mat, feet hip-width apart. Reach right arm up, stretching right side, for 1 breath. Lower, then repeat on left side. Hinge forward from hips, bringing chest toward knees. Bend knees slightly. Hold elbows with opposite hands. Gently shake head. Stay bent forward for 45 seconds. Slowly roll up to standing. If you're using weights, pick them up as you stand. 

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