South Korea's Supreme Court Grants Health Insurance Rights to Same-Sex Couples in Landmark Decision
South Korea's Supreme Court Grants Health Insurance Rights to Same-Sex Couples in Landmark Decision

In a historic ruling on Thursday, South Korea's Supreme Court has extended significant new rights to same-sex couples by mandating that the state provide health insurance coverage for the partners of gay individuals. This landmark decision marks a pivotal moment in the recognition of common law spouses of the same sex.

The court's ruling emphasized that "National Health Insurance should recognize spousal insurance coverage for same-sex couples." This means that partners in same-sex relationships can now register as dependents under their partners' health insurance policies.

The courtroom witnessed emotional scenes as activists, overwhelmed with joy, reacted to the ruling. This decision is seen as a major victory for LGBTQ+ rights advocates in South Korea, where same-sex marriage remains unrecognized under current laws.

The ruling comes amidst growing calls for greater inclusivity and recognition of diverse family structures in the country. Activists and supporters hope that this decision will pave the way for further legal reforms and protections for the LGBTQ+ community.

The courtroom erupted in tears of joy among activists as the ruling was announced, underscoring the profound impact of this decision on LGBTQ+ rights in South Korea.

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