A special court in CBI on Thursday dismissed a petition filed by the central agency seeking further investigation into the Jiah Khan suicide case against actor Suraj Pancholi. Let me tell you, the trial, in this case, is currently underway. Where the case was registered with the CBI by Jiah Khan's mother Rabia Khan. Tell you, the actress's mother wants an investigation to be launched against Suraj Pancholi once again.
The same actress's mother Rabia Khan wants that the messages Sooraj sent to Jiah through Blackberry Messenger and then erased them later also be investigated, not only that she wants the dupatta with which Jiah hanged herself must also be investigated once. The CBI has filed an application in December 2019 for approval to send the dupatta to the Chandigarh Central Forensic Laboratory and the recovered cellphones to the FBI in the USA to retrieve phone messages.
In the same case, Pancholi's advocate Prashant Patil had said, "Why is my client being harassed repeatedly when the whole matter is going on in the High Court and the Supreme Court. After hearing this matter, A. S. Syed quashed the case.'' Jiah Khan was a Bollywood actress. Jiah has appeared in films with stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, and Akshay Kumar. Jiah committed suicide on June 3, 2013. Sooraj Pancholi was her boyfriend, after Jiah's death, Sooraj Pancholi's name came to the fore in this case.
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