Una: An incident of stone pelting has come to light on Vande Bharat, a premium train service running between New Delhi to Amb-Andora in Himachal's Una district. In this case, it is being told that on Saturday, the children of migrant workers pelted stones targeting Vande Bharat passing through a bridge built at the gate ahead of the railway station. At the same time, no passenger was hurt in this incident. In this case, the Railway Police Force immediately nabbed the children with the help of the local people. Along with this, his family members have also been summoned. In fact, this train service was flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 13. At the same time, within about a month, the incident of stone pelting on the train has come to the fore.
In fact, there was a lot of commotion at the railway gate in Ajnoli regarding this matter on Saturday late evening. Here the officers and employees of the Railway Police Force were seen instructing these children not to repeat such an incident. Along with this, the representatives of the local Panchayat along with the officers of the Railway Police Force taught these children and their families a lesson on the safety of the public property. It is being told that after the apology of the migrant workers and the intervention of the local panchayat representatives, the matter has been resolved.
Last Saturday late evening, there was a lot of commotion at the railway gate at Ajnoli regarding this matter. Here the officers and employees of the Railway Police Force were seen instructing these children not to repeat such an incident. At the same time, the representatives of the local panchayat along with the officers of the Railway Police Force taught these children and their families a lesson on the safety of the public property. It is being told that after the apology of the migrant workers and the intervention of the local panchayat representatives, the matter has been resolved.
All of you should also be aware that earlier there have been incidents like buffalo coming in front of the Vande Mataram train, due to which the train end was also damaged. However, this time no harm has been done in the incident.
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