Shri Krishna had cursed his own son 'Samba'
Shri Krishna had cursed his own son 'Samba'

You must have heard and read many stories related to God. Today we are going to tell you a story related to Shri Krishna. Once Lord Krishna angrily cursed his own son Samba to be a leper. Now today we are going to tell you about the story.

Story- Sri Krishna had many queens, one of which was Jamwanti, daughter of Jamwant. It is said that there is a story behind the marriage of Sri Krishna and Jamwanti. According to the Puranas, there was a 28-day war between Lord Krishna and Jamwant to get the precious gem. At the time when Jamwant recognized the true form of Krishna during the war, he also handed over his daughter Jamwanti along with the gems. The name of Krishna and the son of Jamwanti was Samba.

It is said that Samba was so beautiful and attractive that many of Krishna's princesses also came under the influence of his beauty. While impressed by the form of Samba, one day a queen of Sri Krishna took the form of Samba's wife and hugged him, but while doing so, Shri Krishna saw them both. After that, Sri Krishna cursed Samba to become leprose. Maharishi Cuttack told Samba to worship Surya Dev, as a way to get rid of leprosy. After that, Samba built a temple of Surya Dev at Mitravan on the banks of the Chandrabhaga river and did austerity of Surya Dev for 12 years. It is said that Surya Dev was pleased with the penance of Samba and asked him to bathe in the Chandrabhaga river to get rid of leprosy. Even today, the Chandrabhaga river is known as a leprosy healing river. It is believed that the leprosy of a person bathing in this river is cured very soon.

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