Struggles Every Indian Girl Will Face Who Has A Boyfriend
Struggles Every Indian Girl Will Face Who Has A Boyfriend

At a prior start, every relationship has to be hidden from elders especially relatives.At every stage, the girl is more answerable to everything like the for making background stories for gifts you receive and much more.Here we have pinned together some struggles every Indian girl with a boyfriend will face:

1. Texting under a blanket without any breathing breaks!

2. Planning out a date is almost like planning a prison break

3. You have to keep the excitement of a date to the bare minimum

4. You have that one friend you use as a cover up story but now you can never meet her

5. Making up valid background stories for all the gifts you get

6. Understanding the privacy setting for all your social media accounts so that you don’t get caught

7. When you’re on a date but always on the lookout for relatives

8. You never buy condoms etc. from a nearby pharmacist. Always the opposite end of the city.

9. You are kind of confused about all the code names you need to keep up with

10. Romantic conversations often turn into ‘Did you complete that assignment?’


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