NEW YORK: According to a study, rising temperatures due to human-caused climate change and rising carbon dioxide levels will certainly lead trees, grasses, and weeds to generate more pollen, resulting in longer and more intense allergy seasons.
According to University of Michigan research, pollen emissions could start 40 days earlier in the spring by the end of the century than they did between 1995 and 2014.
Allergy sufferers may have to endure another 19 days of high pollen levels before the season ends. Furthermore, when temperatures rise and CO2 levels rise, the amount of pollen discharged each year might grow by up to 200 percent.
"With climate change, pollen-induced respiratory allergies are getting worse," said Yingxiao Zhang, a graduate student research assistant at the university. "Our findings can serve as a springboard for additional research into the effects of climate change on pollen and the resulting health effects," Zhang said in the Nature Communications publication. The researchers created a model that looks at 15 of the most common pollen kinds and how expected variations in temperature and precipitation will affect their production.
New findings “suggest that the trends that we are already observing will continue into the future,” said Patrick Kinney, a professor of environmental health at Boston University School of Public Health.