Study finds way to control immunosuppressant drug level in kidney transplant patients
Study finds way to control immunosuppressant drug level in kidney transplant patients

Kerala: Scientists at the Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB) in Thiruvananthapuram have devised a method for predicting the ideal amount of an immunosuppressant medicine administered to kidney transplant patients in order to lower the risk of organ rejection and other medical issues.

The dose prediction study focused on the immunosuppressant medicine Tacrolimus, which is given to a transplant patient to lower the body's immunity and thereby reduce the odds of organ rejection significantly. The drug level in the blood must be kept at an optimal concentration for best efficiency, especially during the first few weeks following transplantation.

The pharmacogenetic study was carried out by Dr. Radhakrishnan Nair and Dr. Lekshmy Srinivas of the RGCB's Division of Laboratory Medicine and Molecular Diagnostics on patients who had undergone kidney transplantation at the Government Medical College in Thiruvananthapuram and were given tacrolimus as an immunosuppressant. They investigated the impact of genes and variations involved in determining medication concentrations in patients' blood.

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