Supreme court open after lockdown, but hearing will not be held in courtroom
Supreme court open after lockdown, but hearing will not be held in courtroom

New Delhi: After a week-long 'symbolic summer' instead of fifty days, the Supreme Court opened from Monday, but it also became clear that by September, the courtroom will not have a normal hearing as before. That is, the next three months will be heard only through video conferencing. The hearing through video conferencing begins March 23, two days before the lockdown.

In view of the situation, it can be said that the process of virtual hearing in the apex court with video conferencing will continue till at least September. Before the court opened, the Supreme Court administration sent an online information circular to the lawyers to make sure that the lawyers who have to appear in the court virtually have their mobile, laptop, PC, or iPad with a dedicated line with 4G technology Internet connection. In which the speed of data transfer is at least 2 MB per second, so that clear picture and voice can reach the court.

Most of the audio-video problems were heard in the hearing before summer vacation. Due to the lack of more techno-savvy in the case of senior advocates, technology was also used more time. Because many times the time was spoiled in convincing the lawyer that Mic is mute, turn it on, or sometimes mute mic at time of talk of no reason.

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