Take care of your nails In Monsoon, Know Tips
Take care of your nails In Monsoon, Know Tips

You need to take care of yourself in every season. Nails are taken care of every season. Winter not only affects your skin and face, but also affects your nails. Dry nails and delicate nails break down quickly. Most women get a manicure and decorate their nails. Let us know how to take care of nails.

If your nails are naive, apply hand cream or lotion. Lotion should be containing alpha hydroxide or lanoline and gently massage it on your nails.

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Do not start working at home while nails are wet, so wear a glove. Weting nails reduces their moisturiser and can break down.

Do not use acetone-based nail paint removers, washing soaps when the chemical is too strict. This weakens your nails.

While shaping the nail, the nail file should not have too much power and keep the nails in a circular shape. Repeatedly giving a shape to the nail from the nail filer can weaken them.

Taking biotin capsules does not discolor your nails. However, take these capsules only on the advice of your dermatologist.

Protect the nail by putting a base coat to prevent it from weakening. Doing so does not cause any discomfort to the nail and gives them a natural shine.

Apply your nails to petroleum jelly and cuticles before taking a bath. And wash with a cleanser. Do this for two weeks to strengthen the nail. This is the cheapest and easiest treatment to prevent breaking of nails.

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