Take vitamins rich foods diet in winter
Take vitamins rich foods diet in winter

We have read from childhood how important vitamins are to our body. Therefore, parents recommend eating their fruits and green vegetables to their children. Due to today's BG Life, no one can pay full attention to food and drink. It should not be done, but rather to improve the diet.

Vitamins are of two types, the first is water soluble, under which vitamin C, B-1, thiamine, riboflavin or B-12 come and second fat soluble which contains vitamin A, D, etc. Therefore take a proper diet In daily routine, curd should be included, yogurt contains vitamin B12, which helps in the formation of red blood cells. If its deficiency becomes in the body, fatigue and weakness are felt.

Hunger stops feeling too close. Eat broccoli's vegetable. It is found in very high quantities of vitamin C and vitamin. Eat carrots for vitamin A supplement. Eating carrots helps keep the eyes full of light. It also protects teeth from decay. Eat almonds everyday It contains anti-oxidant properties. Those who fulfill the deficiency of Vitamin E.


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