Taliban approves aid plan for Afghanistan war victims
Taliban approves aid plan for Afghanistan war victims

The Taliban-led regime in Afghanistan has approved a plan to help war victims, including orphans from the Islamic Emirate and former government forces, as well as victims of the country's four decades of strife.

"Aid would be offered to martyrs' families, disabled persons, orphans, and orphans of previous governments' security services under the Islamic Emirate," stated Karimi, the Taliban's deputy spokesperson to the media. Families of the Islamic Emirate and former security personnel who died during the 20-year war stated they are in a tough financial situation.

Khan Mohammad, a member of the Islamic Emirate, was killed nine months ago in Kabul by a roadside bomb. Mohammad's children are facing a difficult situation.

"My family does not have a breadwinner. I'm having a lot of difficulties. I'm unable to pay my rent, electricity, and water bills due to a lack of funds. Our life has been really tough for us "Mohmmad's wife, who take care of the family. Two widows of former security officers live on the other side of the capital city. The widows stated that they are unable to provide for their family.

"I used to have a job. My life was good. I was paid for my work. There are several issues now "'One of the widows told the media,' one of the widows said. The number of former Afghan security personnel killed in combat is thought to be over 90,000, however the Islamic Emirate troops' exact death toll is unclear.

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