The Tamil Nadu International balloon festival (TNIBF) is scheduled to take place from January 10th 2025 to January 19th 2025. The state is all set for the tenth edition of the festival, when the sky will be filled up with huge and vibrant hot air balloons from countries all over the world including United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Austria, Brazil, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. The TNIBF is organized by Tamil Nadu tourism in joint collaboration with Global Media box. It will be held in three phases across three locations of Tamil Nadu that include: Chennai (the capital city), Pollachi and Madurai.
Well, the start of the festival dates back to 2015 when the idea struck to Benedict Savio, the founder of TBIBF and the event manager at Global Media box when he was a part of the festivals in Thailand and Taiwan. It started with a few hot air balloons in Pollachi and now it has turned into the biggest, highly anticipated festivals of the year.
In 2025, the festival promises to be grand marking TNIBF’s 10th anniversary edition with spectacular balloon flights and even more amazing carnival activities. The unique balloon sights featuring Baby monster from Brazil, Hugo the Cheetah from Austria and Eli the Elephant from UK.
Here is a complete guide to the event schedule and venues-
Chennai (January 10-12, 2025)
AT: Thiruvidanthai, East coast road (ECR)
FROM: 3:00 pm – 9:30 pm
The hot air balloon tethering will begin at 4:30 pm. The night glow balloon show will follow at 5:30 pm. Other activities that can be explored include- Shopping Expo, Food court, Games and live music.
Pollachi (January 14-16, 2025)
AT: RIGHT Kongu city, Pollachi Main road, Coimbatore Main highway, Achipatti
FROM: 2:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Similar activities will be conducted at Pollachi also. What to remember is that the balloon will take off at 6:00 am in the morning. So, make sure you don’t miss the flight of the hot air balloons.
Madurai (January 18-19, 2025)
AT: Kalaingar Centenary Jallikattu Arena
FROM: 3:00pm to 9:30 pm
Madurai will also host the similar activities as in Chennai and Pollachi. Â
The various ticket options include:
Elite – Rs. 1000 (Seating)
Fan pit – Rs. 650 (Standing)
General Entry pass – Rs. 200
So, do not miss your chance to be a part of the much awaited balloon festival. The big, color popped, uniquely designed balloon that too so close up to you in the air is a sight to behold. And it is IG worthy, just pack your bags and rush to the TNIBF now!