Make Kerala special cauliflower fry at home with this easy recipe!
Make Kerala special cauliflower fry at home with this easy recipe!

Today we have brought for you a recipe of cauliflower Fry in the style of Kerala, in which you will get a different flavor with more spices. Learn Fried cauliflower Recipe at Home.

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Material required

400 grams chopped cabbage

Salt to taste
One inch ginger chopped
2-3 chopped garlic
A quarter teaspoon aniseed
A little oil
Half cup chopped thirst
1 chopped chili
8-10 curry leaves
A medium-sized chopped tomato
One fourth teaspoon turmeric powder
A quarter teaspoon red chili powder
A quarter teaspoon pepper powder
One fourth teaspoon garam masala
A quarter teaspoon cumin powder
Half a teaspoon coriander powder
Chopped coriander

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Recipe :

First, take a pan, add 4 cups of water, salt and cauliflower and cook for 5-10 minutes. Keep in mind that you want to cook the cooked cabbage accordingly. After cooking, drain the water from it.

Now make a paste by grinding ginger, garlic and one-fourth teaspoon aniseed. Now take a pan and allow it to heat by adding oil. Now add ginger-garlic and fennel paste. After frying for a few seconds, add onion to it. After frying, add tomatoes, green chilies, curry leaves and fry it. When oil starts coming out, add turmeric, coriander powder, black pepper powder, garam masala, red chili powder and cumin powder and mix it well. After frying a little, add cabbage to it and mix it well. Then add salt as per taste. Now close it with a lid and let it cook. In a short time, the masala will be cooked properly and mixed into the cabbage.

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