Teaching your kids about 'Internet safety' is must these days !
Teaching your kids about 'Internet safety' is must these days !

The Internet has become an inseparable part of your life. No matter to what age group you belong, the gadget world comes to your way every day. As kids follow what they see their parents do, the thought goes same with the use of digital devices. Today's generation is more tech savvy and is more open to the cyber world. But with the good aspect of learning, there come other bad aspects like phishing, malware, hacking, spamming, cyber bullying, and harassment and so on. Hence it becomes the responsibility of parents to teach their kids how to safely surf internet. 

There are some important things which parents need to take into account before introducing them to the internet world:

  • Before handling them internet enabled gadgets, parents should discuss internet safety, social media hacks with their children.
  • Real life examples from the cyber world are is a great way to make your child aware of the cyber threat. Teach them to not talk to strangers on the social platform also.
  • Kids are an easy target to fetch personal information from. Make sure you teach your kid to recognize spam emails or emails from a suspicious sender. 
  • Teach them to not share any personal information like mobile number, account number, important passwords, bank details etc. without your permission or supervision. 
  • Enable all the safety/screening/filtering options on some sites like facebook, Google chrome to ensure safe browsing. 

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