Muslim youths performed the last rites of old man with Hindu rituals
Muslim youths performed the last rites of old man with Hindu rituals

Hyderabad: A 65-year-old Hindu man died in the Jagtial area of Telangana. This person was a suspected patient of Corona. There was such panic of Corona in its neighborhood that its family members refused to perform the last rites. After this, the Muslim youths of this village, presenting the example of humanity, cremated this person with Hindu customs.

The 65-year-old man died on Monday. The family had refused to perform the last rites of the body due to fear. Although local police and councilors tried to convince the family, it had no effect on the family. On getting information about this, 6-7 Muslim youths living nearby decided to cremate the person. They called an ambulance on rent and followed the corona protocol and cremated the body.

All the youth wore PPE kits to perform the last rites to protect themselves from infection. After this, through an ambulance, they took the body to the crematorium and cremated the body there with wood. People in the surrounding areas are praising this initiative of these Muslim youths and describing it as a service to humanity.

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